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E26: Suspicions about cheating

Suspicions partner is cheating

Sometimes your partner’s behaviour might change or they might say or do something that concerns you. Could they be cheating? Whether you’re in an LDR or not, cheating can be a huge concern for couples. In this episode, we discuss suspicious about cheating, how to deal with them, and how to recognise when they are actually founded concerns. Most importantly, we discuss how serious a matter it is when you accuse your partner, and how to do this in a way that is not seriously damaging to your relationship if in fact they have done nothing wrong.

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E22: How to improve communication in relationships

How to improve communication in relationships

This week, we have dedicated an entire episode to talking about communication in relationships. How to be better at it, why it’s important, and how it can ensure you have a long and happy relationship with your significant other, whether you’re long distance or have been married for nearly a decade like us. Everyone can […]

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E11: Mental Health in Relationships

Mental Health in Relationships

In this episode, we discuss how mental health can affect relationships and touch on how it has affected our own relationship, and our own lives personally. We highlight how long distance relationships (and relationships in general) can be affected by things like anxiety, depression, and phobias. We also share examples of how we’ve tried to be there for one another and how you can help ease the burden of mental health for your partner, as well as ways to take care of yourself mentally when you’re in a serious relationship.

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E10: Keeping your relationship fresh

Keeping your relationship fresh

Relationships don’t stay new and exciting forever. There will be periods throughout your relationship where you have to work a little harder to bring that initial honeymoon period-feel back. And that’s natural. In this episode, we discuss a few reasons why this might happen in a relationship, discuss the importance of working hard together as a team to keep the spark alive, and share some tips for keeping your relationship fresh.

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E8 The Joys & Importance of Establishing Traditions with Your Partner

The Joys & Importance of Establishing Traditions with Your Partner

In last week’s episode, we touched on the not-so-pleasant and trickier aspects of moving to be with your long distance love. In Episode 8, we follow up with a discussion around how much we love what Aindrea’s big move has allowed us to do – become a couple with our own traditions.

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